Saturday, December 11, 2010

Catfight: Competition Among Women

Competition among women is a pervasive and relentless reality. Women compete with each other for men, looks, jobs, attention. In asking both women and men about this issue, most admitted there was a problem, but no one could really pinpoint why. Is it the pressure we feel to be perfect, because that's what's expected? Is it in our nature? Is it because we live in a patriarchal society and men have set up this dynamic because they enjoy feeling that women are fighting for something they (men) possess?

Media has undoubtedly played on this idea of the catfight or the bitch-slap. They're have been countless headlines about celebrity battles between women.

My project brings this issue to light and gives examples of how media makers are profiting on the cliche of the Catfight and portraying women as petty, catty, hateful beings.

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