Thursday, November 4, 2010

All For Women's Health

Women overall are up against many challenges ranging from sexism, racism, a lack of education, inequality in the workforce in regards to their male counterparts, unequal pay in salary and this is just to name a few topics. One huge problem is the under representation of women's issues and the lack of interest throughout our society. "I feel that at the present there is still an atmosphere of discrimination against women in the media from men". Although times have change and women have made advancements, ironically the problems still persist today throughout the world in some form of way. "There can be no doubt our nation has a long and unfortunate history of sex discrimination. Traditionally, such discrimination was rationalized by an attitude of romantic paternalism which, in practical effect, put women not on a pedestal but in a cage...' William J. Brennan, Jr.Frontiero vs Richardson 1971, U.S Supreme Court. Sadly when it comes to women's rights people just do not care.

We have discussed various topics in reference to women's relations within the media, environment, workforce and social issues and the outcome has proven that they clearly are the minority. 'Throughout the news division as a whole, the problem of having women in the highly visible jobs, on camera, but not in the real decision-making, producer and executive level jobs, continues.' For some women depending upon race and social class their resources and abilities for advancements are limited. Latinas and African Americans are some at the lowest of the barrel.

Women are strong figures and cover the majority of the population so why are we so under represented? The decisions made toward what gets played in the media are predominantly made by man. The emphasis on women's issues are interesting to many or should I say man, therefore this would explain why most topics are not cover throughout the media.

I knew it was not going to be easy finding an alternative news media or organization that would be advocating for women's health. Women's health is extremely important and for my experience, I have noticed that many women within my culture do not often take good care of themselves. They usually do not often see doctors for annuals. They visit a doctor when they are ill and no choice and end up in the emergency room. Some reasons are partly due to lack of insurance coverage.

I was impressed when I accidentally found this organization, Women and Children First. They are making strives toward improving the health condition of expectant mothers and the newborn. This tremendous because in some parts of the world resources are extremely scarce. Simple necessities such as water, food, shelter, environment and adequate health care is not attainable. I was surprise to have found this organization online! I love there name, it immediately caught my eye.

WoMen AnD ChilDren FirSt (Uk)

This organization is doing amazing work toward saving women and babies lives. Prenatal care is crucial not only for women but for the unborn baby. It is essential toward the developmental growth of the fetus. Millions of women all the over world are deprive of such care. This is an enormous problem in third world countries because of the lack of income and resources.

Finally a powerful organization advocating for women's issues. "An estimated four million babies every year die before they are one month old." This is insanely true. "Women and Children First (WCF) improves the health and wellbeing of women and children in poor communities, with a particular focus on pregnancy and the first month of life. " They "ensures that women have a say in the decisions that influence their health. We achieve this through the formation of women's groups, who work together to prioritise maternal and newborn health problems and identify low-cost solutions." This is fantastical because women that are directly affected can now have involvement within their decision making. WCF also works closely with local health care providers to enhance their abilities in infant care. Prevention is crucial and by raising awareness many lives can and will be continuously saved.

Women voices are often dismissed or silent! One of the many benefits of WCF is that they have "establish groups of 15-20 women, who meet on a monthly basis. Each group is supported by a local women who has been selected and trained to act as a facilitator and run the group. The facilitator supports the group through a community action cycle model to identify and prioritise problems during pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn period, and to develop and evaluate strategies to overcome these problems" they exercise this cycle through four phases. They are helping women from poor nations mobilize. Their mission is working collectively toward the improvement in saving the lives of women and children.

WCF is located in the UK launched their mission in 2000 and have established a presence in the following countries, Bangladesh, India, Malawi and Nepal. They state "Our Vision is an equitable world where all women understand and exercise their rights to health and they and their newborns enjoy optimal wellbeing." This is truly powerful. This must provide these women a sense of self worth. To be able to advocate for themselves and their children, this is indeed a great support system. This is a privilege that have been denied for many women and now they have an opportunity to make decisions.

The International organization is managed mostly by women. Ros Davies is the(Chief Executive), Cassie Williams (Programmes Manager), Ruth Duebbert (Policy & Advocacy Manager), Caroline Rogers (Administrator Manager-Part time), they are all women. Additionally they volunteers that help with running the organization. These women have a long extensive history of experience within their line of work, they also have trustees partnership. They seek for funding through donations and fundraisers.

I was pleased to have found Women and Children First because they are doing incredible work. I do not often have knowledge of organizations such as this particular one and this is due to lack of representation within the media today. This con sides with my opening argument. Women's issues are not important and little attention is given. I am a passionate mother and I am fortunate to have had the ability in receiving prenatal care. For many within the United States that is not the case. There is still a tremendous need in advocating for our rights.

The struggle presently exist today and one way of fighting this battle is through our voice, sharing our stories and education. The only way of making changes would be by mobilizing and working collectively. We need to support each other!

I encourage you to visit their website:

Women and Children First

United House North Road, London n7 9DP, email:

The last Newsletter published on July 2010

Ways to get involved and help:

They can be followed on Face book and Twitter, they also have a page on Virgin Money Giving and You Tube.

Alexa Perez

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